Tropical Botanical Garden Research Institute, Palode, Kerala
A walk-in-interview will be conducted at TBGRI on 12th June 2009 at 10 a.m. for selection of a few purely temporary positions of Junior Research Fellow (JRFs), Field/Technical Assistants and Project Officer.

1. JRFs: M. Sc. I Class in Botany or Biotechnology with Botany as the main subject at graduate level. M. Sc. Computer Science/MCA.
Desirable: Good physique to undertake fieldwork at difficult terrains of Western Ghats; work in tribal areas; knowledge of molecular biology techniques, computer literacy, familiarity with wild Musa, orchids, etc.

2. Field/Technical Assistants: B. Sc. Botany/ First Class VHSC in Biological Sciences. Desirable: Willingness to work in difficult terrains of Western Ghats and tribal areas; Candidates from Reserved category (ST) requires only pass mark in the qualifying Examination.
3. Project Officer: Post Graduate with a diploma in Social Science. Desirable: Willingness to work at tribal settlements.
Age Limit:
1. JRFs: Not more than 28 as on 01.01.09
2. Field/Technical Assistants: 28 as on 01.01.09
3. Project Officer: 28 as on 01.01.09
Age relaxation for SC/ST and OBC as per council rules
Monthly Emoluments:
1. JRFs: Rs. 8,000 (for State projects); Rs. 12,000+ HRA (for Central agency schemes).
2. Field/Technical Assistants: Rs. 5,000/- (Consolidated)
3. Project Officer: Rs. 10,000/- per month (Consolidated)

The above posts are purely temporary ranging from 6 months to 3 years depending upon the tenure of the project. Candidates selected therefore will not have any claim for any future position at TBGRI.
Candidates who wish to attend the walk-in-interview can do so on the said date and time with originals of all certificates and proof of age and experience.